The Systemic-Holistic paradigm refers to the next stage in the evolution of human consciousness. The Systemic-Holistic paradigm emphasizes the identity and purpose of the organization as a separate entity, and not merely as a vehicle for achieving management’s objectives. Whereas Achievement oriented  culture speaks of organizations as machines and Family & friends culture uses the metaphor of families, Systemic-Holistic organizations refer to themselves as living organisms or living systems.

Systemic- Holistic organizations focus on its members’ abilities to self-organize and self-manage to achieve the purpose of the organization. The hierarchical “plan and control” structure typical of Achievement oriented  culture is replaced with a self-organizing structure consisting of small worker teams that assume all the traditional management functions as well. Positions and job descriptions are replaced with roles, where one worker can fill multiple roles. Unlike the fixed structures of ancient power, rules achievement or friends& family oriented  organizations, this evolutionary organizational structure in Systemic- Holistic is fluid, changing and adapting as circumstances demand to achieve the organization’s purpose.


  • updating the organisation’s stakeholders social values (v-meme) to a systemic-holistic level through specific neuro-linguistic coaching techniques.
  • re-writing the vision, mission, strategy and organisation structure and moving from job description to role description and flexible self-updating KPI.
  • facilitating the transformation evolution processes
