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09 Dec

How iWAM is different from DISC

DISC is based on the book Emotions of Normal People by William Multon Marston. The book was published around 1928. Essentially, DISC distinguishes between four patterns considered “primary emotions.” The four patterns are called Dominance, Inducement, Compliance, and Submission (DISC).
There are two major differences between the iWAM and DISC.


  • First, the DISC only describes four patterns; the iWAM has forty-eight.
  • Second, because the DISC survey is primarily a personality assessment, it does not take the context into account.
48 patterns 4 emotions
metaprograms basic emotions
clusters of neuropathways simple neuropathways
mind higher logical level lower level basic kinesthesia
why & how we behave what we fell when we behave
281,474 billions cognitive styles 384 emotional types
modeling excellence instrument testing people profile
coaching/training for specific personal and team performance training for general purpose

iWAM takes into account the fact that every person is unique.

iWAM takes into account the fact that every person is unique. So, instead of putting people into one of just four categories, iWAM distinguishes between and among 48 NLP metaprogram patterns in the specific context of work. In addition, the iWAM can explain how these patterns both influence and are influenced by emotions. The result is that iWAM is not only better at predicting work performance, but also reflects the vast array of differences between and among human beings. The iWAM, for example, provides more possible combinations of results than there are people on Earth!