Hire the right people with the tools that save you time and money.
Stop Guessing.
One of the most popular and valuable services we offer is the ability to improve an organization’s recruitment. You know how important it is to hire the right employees. If an employee is not performing well, the consequences for the sales figures and the team can be disastrous. Be sure that you hire the right type of person before it is too late. But how can you really know for sure? How can you objectively and accurately measure a person’s attitudes or values? Trying to collect this kind of information during an interview requires costly recruiters, and is very time-consuming.
The solution is to integrate AMP & JobEQ in your hiring process for pre-employment testing. Our tools, the iWAM and VSQ, are objective tests that accurately measure how people process and use information. These tests combine recent developments in cognitive science with years of proven research to bring you the fast, affordable way to figure out who is wired for success.
Hire for Attitude
Return on Investment after 1 year: 752%
The numbers don’t lie, and what they say can be powerfully convincing. Numbers can be especially powerful in the field of human resources, where statistics like Return on Investment (ROI) can be difficult to measure. This is the case study of one company that hired us to help them hire 26 sales people. Not only did we hire the new sales team, but we also got the numbers for ROI, and they spoke volumes…
The company chose us for several reasons. Suppose you hire some excellent employees, and your staff turnover gets reduced by 10 percent. This would translate into hiring and training maybe four fewer people the next year. Better staff would also mean happier customers, and a reduction of complaints (not to mention reducing the indirect costs of unhappy customers). This means your organization would save at least $35,000 in reduced hiring, firing, training, and complaint costs. This does not even take into account other costs, such as lost information, stress (losing productivity) of other employees, etc. Some studies in Europe and the United States conclude that the average cost to replace a manager lies around $60,000!
Nice theory. But what is the reality?
For this particular company, the consultant implemented our “Hire for Attitude” mantra. He used iWAM’s model of excellence technology to determine which were the important motivation patterns and to help the company to redesign the recruiting ad using iWAM’s suggestions concerning motivating language. Given this company’s reputation and brand, normally about 100 people react to their job ads. With the redesigned campaign, more than 300 candidates responded of which 120 persons were tested using iWAM.
Using our assessment tools also helped accelerate the recruiting process: our tools cut into half the time needed for the candidates that were invited for selection. With the new recruiting process bringing objective criteria, both the HR staff and the Sales staff agreed on the candidate (to hire or not). iWAM’s reports pointed out that given the kind of job, in ideal conditions, the salespersons would stay between 2 and 3 years on average. After that period, they would either get a promotion inside the company or go elsewhere. In reality, using iWAM reduced staff turnover by more than 62 percent.
Net Return on Investment after 1 year: 752%
Cost/Benefit Ratio: Each Euro invested saved the company 8.5 Euro!
The ROI figure in the example is actually an underestimate, since the 26 new recruits ended up realizing 140% of the team sales target, even if initially 4 extra salespersons had been planned.
The exact numbers:
Total sales people – 40 (26 newly hired)
Cost of firing (average) – 1,500 Euro / person
Cost of hiring (because of low initial productivity) – 5,000 Euro / person
Cost of training:
– Group training (4 days/10-person group) – 600 Euro / person
– 3 months personal coaching (4 hrs/day average) – 150 Euro / person
Cost of avoidable complaints per person – 300 Euro /person
Previous staff turnover rate – 80% per year
Expected turnover after this project – 50% per year
Actual turnover after this project (for the first year) – 0%
Actual turnover after this project (after one year) – 30%
Savings for the company (1 year)
Reduced ad costs – 25,000 Euro
Reduced recruiting, training, firing, and quality costs – 90,000 Euro
Total savings (conservative estimate) – 115,000 Euro
Cost of working with jobEQ – 13,500 Euro
This included (1) making a Model of Excellence, (2) the consulting fee of the certified iWAM consultant and (3) using the jobEQ software for testing candidates and ranking them against the model.
Enthusiastic, productive & capable MANAGER
Using the iWAM and Coaching to Change One Man’s Career
We all know that change is the only thing that’s constant. And change can happen very quickly – even when it comes to your career outlook. One of our partners, John Lane-Smith, found this to be the case with a senior assistant project manager at one Australian company. We will call him Tom. Tom had once been a productive, motivated part of a team that had the accolade of achieving the best partnership ever with Roads and Traffic Authority. But in three years, he had become completely demotivated, and was looking to leave the company. His project manager (we’ll call him Jerry) later told our partner that he was just about to do an appraisal on his assistant that would identify Tom as unenthusiastic, having low morale, pessimistic and unable to be coached to high productivity. In Jerry’s view, Tom was not capable of holding the position of “project manager.”
Tom’s goal was simply to like the job again, and he achieved it. Using the iWAM to profile the assistant and the manager revealed the problem: they were motivated by completely different factors. For example, Jerry scored 10% for the “Focus on the Past” pattern and 150% for the “Focus on the Future” pattern. These scores mean that the manager is extremely motivated by thoughts of the future. He is a strategic thinker, his focus is on the long-term implications, and he wants to make decisions that will really help the company five years from now. Tom, on the other hand, scored 145% on “Focus on the Past” and -10% on “Focus on the Future.” These scores are complete opposites, and Tom is highly motivated by past events. He always thinks back to what he has learned from his past mistakes and successes, and he makes decisions based on what his experience has taught him.
So what is the outcome when co-workers have completely different motivations? Disaster. This is where the co-workers in our case find themselves. But there is a way to avoid this disaster, and even to resolve it: By understanding their differences and adjusting the way they communicate, people can greatly improve their relationships, and find it much easier to talk to and motivate others.
John Lane-Smith knew this of course, and he had a one-hour consultation with Jerry explaining how he could motivate his assistant. John conveyed that none of the metaprogram patterns are bad. We just have to be aware of them and how to use them. No one should be ashamed of a focus on the past or the future. For some jobs, certain metaprograms may be highly advantageous. The most successful auditors, for example, are often motivated by the past. They examine an organization’s records, and may give advice based on past experience. A focus on the future, however, is helpful in positions where prediction and future planning is important, such as stock brokers, meteorologists, and even many upper-level managers. John explained these ideas and used the iWAM Management Report to show exactly what words and methods could be used to motivate Tom.
Two days after the consultation, Tom called John asking what he had done to his project manager, and saying that his life had turned around. Things had changed again. This time Tom was back to his enthusiastic, productive, capable self!
If you’re tired of playing cat and mouse, find a solution that will change it all – find a reliable solution from AMP & jobEQ.
European Commission and European Bank using iWAM framework
Paula Principle and iWAM framework
In 1969, a book called The Peter Principle was published, and became something of a classic in management texts. Its central premise was that employees are eventually promoted to jobs at which they prove incompetent.
Now we have the Paula Principle and it argues that most women get promoted to a level below their competence. Far from rising to a position their talents don’t deserve, they languish below what they could easily manage
- The European Commission are keen to be perceived as a model employer for diversity and equality issues.
- The European Central Bank has implemented a mentoring scheme to help women move up through the organisation.
- A tailored mentoring scheme where was designed, the mentoring framework, and both mentors and mentees wwre trained to implement the framework.
- Mentors and mentees use iWAM as part of the matching and contracting process. They complete individual and pairs reports.
More case studies: