Acest website este in transformare. Temporar unele informatii pot fi in romana si engleza.
29 Nov

Sales KPI

Business  & Personal Performance powered by measurable data: Sales Key Performance Indicators.

24 Oct

McKinsey 7S Performance Model

The 7-S model can be used in a wide variety of situations where an alignment perspective is useful, for example, to help you:

  • Improve the performance of a company.
  • Examine the likely effects of future changes within a company.
  • Align departments and processes during a merger or acquisition.
  • Determine how best to implement a proposed strategy.

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19 Oct

DIGI24 BUSINESS CLUB. Angajatul e mai scump când pleacă.

De la vanzatorul de biblii la profesionistul IT oamenii au nevoie de motivatie. La scola sau in mediul antreprenorial exista ceva ce te face in fiecare dimineata sa te scoli din pat si sa pleci la munca. Pe bani. Evident.

Dar dincolo de suma minima de bani ne care asigura un standard decent de viata, structura motivatiei, a drive-ul intern, a atitudinii in relatie cu activitatea profesionala este o MARE NECONOSCUTA pentru mai mult de jumatate din oamenii din conducere.

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11 Oct

Lateral Action: How to run a no rules org.

Ricardo Semler (SEMCO): practical wisdom for business and education.

Ricardo Semler is perhaps the best, low-profile CEO leader in business today. Semco gets hundreds of unsolicited resumes every month, and no one leaves. In the worst 10-year recession in Brazil’s history, revenues grew 600%, profits were up 500%, and productivity rose 700%. Innovative Stakeholders have taken them into profitable industries they could have never dreamed of entering, and they continue to grow exponentially.

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06 Oct

Work Mental Health Screening


Mental health is a key part of your overall health. Brief screenings are the quickest way to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional – they are a checkup from your neck up. This program is completely anonymous and confidential, and immediately following the brief questionnaire you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.

01 Sep

Values: Power vs. Friends

Friends, Love & Harmony vs. Power

  1. Power Values – This level is about expressing oneself. It is typified by the warrior who values power and glory and is on a quest of heroic status. Survival of the fittest is the common theme.
  2. Friends  Values – This is about a pluralistic, egalitarian, relativistic and subjectivist world view. The person becomes socio-centric, searching for a personal fulfillment, coming to peace with their own inner self and being accepted by others. Progress and profit can be dangerous if not well-managed. Harmony, equality and social acceptance are key values, as is self-realization.

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01 Sep


Decoding excellence: POWER

Mo1: Power: This person is motivated by situations where they have power, authority, and control over people and things.

Gets it done. Makes it happen.

Bully, Dictator, Ego. Immune to new ideas.

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29 Aug


Intreaba un prieten pe FB.

“ce e fain in antreprenoriat e ca… da’ chiar, ce e?”

Intrebarea imi declanseaza o amintire despre un fel de antreprenoriat.

Stiu ce vreau

In braseria Corso in Inter, la masa cu un tanar partener olandez  (20 de ani + 2 MBA-uri, jeansi cu sacou), intre o supa de legume aburinda upragdata cu smantana si muschiul de vaca mediu stropit cu o Babeasca, in pauza dintre discutia de buget si un overview pe proiectul de comunicare imi vine asa deodata, pe limba, si il intreb:

Tu, ce vrei sa faci in viata?

Am acest prost obicei sa-i intreb pe oameni “ce vor sa faca cu viata” lor – moment de inghesuiala cognitiva, roseli, frustrari si balbe, deh! oamenii planifica cu greu ….pentru azi…  ce sa mai vorbim de o ditamai VIATA

Si pustiul asta olandez imi spune pe de-a dreptul:

“Vreau sa ma opresc din a face bani la 30 de ani, cand voi avea 3 milioane de Euro in cont, un apartment in Paris, o ferma in Chile, un Harley si un DC9.”

Ma uit la el. Se uita direct in ochii mei, drept, ferm, hotarat si zambeste calm. E complet congruent in ceea ce spune.

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